Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Fourth Of July!

I will be with half of my family having a picnic and celebrating the Fourth in the style of my fathers ancestors...we will be at a Tea Party...Our version is inspired by the Boston Tea Party, that was inspired by Samuel Adams.
To the left is my great grandfather Levi Gildon. His gr gr gr grandfather set a precedence for our family in loving our country. Richard Gildon took to heart the expressed feeling around the first Tea Party and answered the minute men call in Connecticut! He fought at the battle of Lexington.
I have been a lover of the Fourth of July since a little girl sitting on the court house lawn in Pawnee, Oklahoma watching the fire works after a day of picnicking and fun with the cousins.
Now it is not just fun, but a wonderful opportunity to teach my grandchildren about why they celebrate.
Hope your Fourth of July day was wonderful too.


  1. I've been to Lexington. How exciting to have an ancestor who fought if by land....two if by sea. Enjoy your tea party and have a cup for me.

  2. Some fabulous history here, you have some extremely interesting ancestors!

  3. I love that you are teaching your grandchildren about why there is a celebration and not just that it is a party. Tradition is one of the most important things for children to learn. It grounds them and it keeps the traditions going.

  4. Love the old photo. Hope your 4th was great!

  5. Thank you all for coming by and commenting.
