Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wordless Wednesday Are We Finished Canning Yet?


  1. As a young girl I was "allowed" to help with the canning at my grandmother's. I thought it was a blast. As an adult, when I started to can my own veggies it was fun at first but never seemed to end....there was always a little more to do and never enough hands to help. I can understand now why my grandmother "allowed" me to help. A learning lesson and a great memory. Thanks for sharing this photo I can easily relate too!

  2. Oh Hummer Sweetie...
    I love this photo. It is the BEST. I loved helping my Daddy can. He still cans today at 78 years young. He grows his own veggies and then cans them for the Winter months.

    I so wish I had veggies to can. I am going to try my hand at strawberry jam. Wish me luck sweetie.

    I still can't believe that you have 6 children and 15 grands. I have 3 children and 8 grands. How do you do it?

    Stop by and say hi. I so love it when you do.

    Country hugs sweetie...Sherry
