When Ned and I married, we new it was a joining of families.
And we loved each others parents as if they were our own.
This became even more accentuated as we embarked upon the path of finding our ancestors.
Ned enabled me to research while our children were young. He didn't fuss at me when I worked at the Family History Center.
He walked miles of cemeteries with me searching for his ancestors as well as mine.
As our family progressed, first one child, then two, marching onward to six ( 4 girls and 2 boys). We personally saw how a family tree moves out.
When building the tree, I feel like I am standing in the center with arms stretched out wide. Oh how I love the people in our ancestry file! They are so real and alive to me.
I have decided to continue helping others find their families.
I will perfect and clean up our tree. Putting faces with names for future generations to view and hopefully compile a book for them to read. A book on a family is never finished, only begun and then continually added to as more information, because of enhanced technology becomes available.
I think that this will open my horizons and get out of my box.
I think I am the the Trunk. The Roots below me multiply and strengthen and the Branches overhead mulitply and balance.
God is a wonderful being. He has blessed us with a knowledge of who we are and where we come from. It is all good.
Genea-bloggers are happy you found us too! I