This last week I was exploring the
FamilySearch Learning Center area to see what was new.
I randomly choose a video to check it out. It turned out to be Tom Kemp teaching. (now I can't zero back on it.) In the middle of the video he was talking about using Facebook as a research tool. I listened as he talked about finding a family group on Facebook, on which he found pictures and information. I considered this and decided it was time to set up our
Langley Family -- Descendants of William Langley and Nancy Carrier group on Facebook to find those branches that have not yet been found.
I contacted a distant cousin and told him what I was up to. He thought it was a great idea and supported the idea. I set it up and added pictures, links to blog posts, then invited some cousins and told Brian to invite his family. It was set up as an open group and once I had it formatted and set up I told the members it was their page to share, search, and grab pictures.
I was wonderful to see it went from 2 to 41 members in two days. Most are 3 and 4th generation that I am just now meeting. It is so fun to see the meet and greet and explanations going on in the chat.

Now, I know you are thinking what does that have to do with the Hero. About 1998, I was beginning to realize the importance of have proofs on information I had in our family history we were gathering. I asked if we could go to Pawnee, Oklahoma and see if we could find my great grandmother's grave, and if we could maybe go to the court house. He said maybe; he would have to see if he could take a couple of days off during the week. It was approved, so we began our journey. We first went to my Aunt Lynn's to found out where the grave site was. She mentioned she had heard from my cousin Janice in Kansas. My heart went zing, I had not seen Janice since my one of my other aunts had died in 1973. I looked longingly at the Hero and said... could we call her and maybe see her? That slow smile came over his face and he said sure, what is the number. We called and it just so happened that she was off and so was her husband could we wait? They could be down in an hour. When they arrived, we began sharing what had happened in the last 27 years. (Yes, that is way too long) After about and hour, there was an 'ahem' , I looked at the Hero and he said we need to go to the court house if we are going to make it on time. He looked at my cousin and her husband and said, 'Do you all want to come too?' Yes. We all piled into the car went to the court house, they actually had the death certificate for my gr gr grandmother Sarah Jane Hankins Langley. We got two copies one for me and one for Janice. We saw that the funeral home listed was just across the street, so we went there. They gave us the burial plot and a map. We then when out to the graveyard and found the grave site. The Hero managed to help us, connect with each other, obtain a death certificate and grave site information as well as a visit to the grave yard all in 3 hours in one day. With the Hero's help this was the beginning of a special bond my cousin and I still share today. We both remember that day well. Many of those reconnecting on Facebook are nieces, siblings, and nephews of Janice. I love the Hero so much for taking time out of his busy work life to help me find my family living and dead. He was a family man.